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Ara Zero Rosé 750ml

A refreshing, no-alcohol Rosé alternative, Ara Zero is crafted using full-strength wine. We distill out the alcohol, and make sure that what's left behind is all classic Marlborough Rosé flavour. This bright, refreshing non-alcoholic Rose wine has flavours of strawberry, lime and guava with a delicious citrus crispness. All balanced by a subtle sweetness, with a fresh and moreish finish, leaving you wanting more.

Brown Brothers Zero Prosecco 750ml

Refreshing and dry with a satisfying citrus tang, Brown Brothers Prosecco Zero celebrates the beautiful, nuanced flavours of traditional sparkling wines - without the alcohol. Featuring notes of crisp green apple and delicious pear, serve chilled alongside fresh seafood or salted popcorn.

Brown Brothers Zero Prosecco Rosé 750ml

Redefining Rosé moments, this bubbly, bright, and beautifully pink Prosecco - made with zero alcohol and all the flavour. Blush in colour with delicate notes of strawberry, crisp apple and citrus, the Brown Brothers Prosecco Rosé Zero is a lively and tantalizingly fresh take on our classic pink bubbles.

Edenvale Alcohol Removed Pinot Gris 750ml

A beautifully balanced Australian Pinot Gris vibrant, and juicy with the hallmark 'Gris' texture, and mouth-watering flavours of ripe stone fruit, poached pear and apricot.

Giesen Estate 0% Pinot Gris 750ml

Made from Giesen's premium, full-strength New Zealand wine. This alcohol-removed Pinot Gris features delicate floral notes with white flowers, lychee, and red apple on the nose. The palate offers traditional Pinot Gris characters of apple and pear with just a touch of muscat grape. Light, delicious, and balanced between acidity and sweetness. Perfect for enjoying at home, out with friends and family, or any time you'd prefer a glass of wine without the after-effects.

Giesen Estate 0% Rosé 750ml

Made from Giesen's premium, full-strength New Zealand wine. This alcohol-removed Rosé is aromatically expressive, crisp, and refreshing, with the varietal characteristics you know and love... only with the alcohol gently removed. Perfect for enjoying at home, out with friends and family, or any time you'd prefer a glass of wine without the after-effects.

Giesen Estate 0% Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Made from Giesen's premium, full-strength New Zealand wine, Giesen 0% keeps all the best qualities of Giesen Estate Sauvignon Blanc. This alcohol-removed Rosé is aromatically expressive, crisp, and refreshing, with the varietal characteristics you know and love... only with the alcohol gently removed. Perfect for enjoying at home, out with friends and family, or any time you'd prefer a glass of wine without the after-effects.

Giesen Estate 0% Sparkling Brut 750ml

This alcohol-removed New Zealand sparkling wine offers a sophisticated and refreshing alternative to traditional sparkling wines - without compromising on taste or quality. Fresh lemon, grapefruit, and pear make for an inviting fruit-driven aroma. A light, playful palate greets you with refreshing citrus and stone fruit, elevated by effervescence. Expect a wonderfully energetic non-alcoholic sparkling wine with a crisp, dry finish.

Lindauer Free Brut 750ml

Lindauer Free Brut is made from Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes from vineyards in Gisborne and Hawkes Bay. Fresh and vibrant, with aromas of green apples and citrus fruit. A delicate and creamy lingering finish. Gentle winemaking techniques has reduced the alcohol to no more than 0.5% ABV. It's a lighter style no matter the occasion. Enjoy the Freedom.

Not Guilty Zero Alcohol Prosecco 750ml

Not Guilty prosecco will have them hopping for joy with every cork pop! Zero Alcohol & full flavoured celebrations all round.

Pepperjack Mid Strength 7% Shiraz 750ml

Pepperjack Mid strikes a balance between the art of traditional winemaking that Pepperjack is renowned for, and the science of cutting-edge de-alcoholisation and flavour retention technology. Still bursting with quintessential Pepperjack character, this mid-strength wine displays aromas of blackberries and plums with hints of pepper and spice.

Selaks Origins Breeze Piquette 5% Rosé 750ml

Selaks New Zealand Piquette Rosé fruit wine is naturally lower in alcohol* whilst delivering enticing aromas of watermelon and a light fresh summer berry palate. *Lower in alcohol, compared to standard Selaks Origins full strength wines.
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